Dani's Place
Music, Art and more.

SDR (Guillaume Verbecq)

 Born in 1975, Guillaume starts to be interested in art in 2012 in Kiev (Ukraine). He starts to write poetry on banknotes on old the kind of currency.

In 2015, he starts to promote Ukrainian Artist, organizing them exhibitions.
In 2017, he creates an art community in his art studio in Kiev. He organized few concert in his art studio located in city center of Kiev.
During this time, Guillaume gets more and more interests for photography. He sell his first artworks in 2018 which was a photography.
In 2021, he come back to France and starts to experiment digital photo collage.
He makes exhibition in Ukraine, Switzerland and France.
In 2023, he starts painting in a street art way with aerosols, acrylic paintings and gouache.

Interested by his artworks, contact dani's agency for more information.

more artwork FRO, check these instagram pages.



Black and white photograpy

Digital Collages

Photo Collage